Did Apostle Paul Speak About Born Again

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john yous posted Born again" is Johannine terminology, not Pauline.
Funny but fifty-fifty Jesus used the term Born again twice in the book of John

--- evangelistjerry on 10/x/08

If someone is converted, saved, or redeemed, they must showtime be built-in once again. Conversion is a work of the Holy Spirit that continues throught our entire life. So yeah, Paul was born again beginning.This converted him and he became obedient to God'due south call.

--- john on 10/8/08

Campaigner Paul recieved Salvation accodrding to Acts 2 v's 37-41 which Fulfilled Matt 28 v's xix-20, & The Whole Lot of God's Give-and-take we should alive up to & Preached This Very Aforementioned Message of Conservancy to others(to us gentiles too)while on his Missionary journey,which The Lord directed him to practise.
Gal ane v's 8-9.

--- Lawrence on x/8/08

Blessings to y'all Brother Trey, Thank y'all so much for clarifying the difference between born again, and conversion. Your spiritual insight was PERFECT! God Bless you Blood brother Trey!

--- Cynthia on 11/5/07

Sister Cynthia, (part 1)

Beingness "born again" and "converted" are a lilliputian different. To be converted, one must start be born once again. Simply put, being converted is to exist converted to the truth.

Catechumen - Greek: strpho, "to plough" or to "change one's listen", is translated in Matt. xviii:3.
Convert - Greek: epistrepho, "to turn nigh, turn towards" James five:nineteen.

--- trey on 11/2/07

(Part 2)
Catechumen - Greek: epistrophe, akin to epistrepho, "a turning nigh or round, conversion" is found in Acts 15:3. The give-and-take implies "a turning from and a turning to", respective to these are repentance and faith. The gentiles converted to God from idols. (ane Thess. 1:nine).

--- trey on 11/2/07

(part iii)
Lu 22:31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you lot as wheat:
Lu 22:32 But I take prayed for thee, that thy faith fail non: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Simon Peter had been born over again, remember Matt. xvi:17, just hadn't yet been converted to the truth.

Cynthia, I promise that helps. I'one thousand non as good equally some at explaining scripture.

Lord bless you,

--- trey on 11/two/07

Mark V, thanks for the excellent answer. I too believe he was born once more, converted, and chosen to preach.

Acts chapter 9, Luke starts off the chapter speaking of Paul breathing out threatenings and slaughter. (1st Jhn two:11, & three:15) He hated the brethren to the point of wanting them dead. Then afterwards the Lord appeared unto him, he was a changed man. He didn't accept to retrieve almost it. He knew!

Lord anoint you Mark Five. The Lord has given you a gift to understand His discussion and explicate it.

--- trey on 11/2/07

#six. After the scales came off his optics, he was and then baptized. The order of salvation is very important that everyone gets. First the light has to come up to you, then the spirit convicts you of sin, then you believe by organized religion for it is a souvenir of God after conversion, then once you believe in the Lordship of Christ, you follw His command to exist baptized as an acknowledgement of your faith.

--- Mark_V. on 11/2/07

Bro. Trey, permit me give you my version of when Paul was born once again, "As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and all of a sudden a light shone around him from heaven." That is the moment he was born again, for he was able to encounter Christ. At that moment Paul was awaken from his spiritual death. To show it was that moment the passage continues with, "Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice maxim to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"

--- Mark_V. on xi/2/07

#two. God brought the light to him first, and now He was convicting him for what he had been doing confronting Christ. Conviction brought repentance, something he never had earlier, when he answered, "what must I exercise" No one lost can see Christ but when Paul roughshod to the ground he not only heard Him but saw Him, something the others could not do. This passages are the first of six visions to exist seen past Paul found in Acts, 16:9,10, xviii:9,10, 22:17,18, 17:23,24.

--- Mark_V. on 11/two/07

#3. What I desire you to detect is that Paul was not sprinkled with water before the light came. He was did not eat a wafer before the light came. He did non accept faith in Christ before the light came. Actually when Christ talked to Ananais He told him in verse 5, " But the Lord said to him, "Become, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name earlier the Gentiles, Kings, and children of State of israel" making information technology clear to Ananias that God had chosen Paul, and not that Paul had chosen Christ.

--- Mark_V. on 11/2/07

#iv. No one who is spiritually dead to the things of God can change his ain centre and come to life. It takes a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to bring light to the person who is dead, every bit in the case of Paul. Later on in verses 17-18, Ananias explained to Paul how he was told by Christ what to do, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that yous may receive your sight and exist filled with the Holy Spirit"

--- Mark_V. on 11/two/07

#v. Detect offset he called him brother, and notice also that been filled with the Holy Spirit did not point he didn't have the Holy Spirit when he saw the light, since the Spirit had already been active in Paul'due south life: convicting him of sin (John xvi:nine), convincing him of the Lordship of Christ (i Cor. 12:3), transforming him (Titus 3:5), and indwelling him permanently (ane Cor. 12:thirteen). He was filled with the Spirit for the empowerment of service (ane:iv, xiv, four:viii,31, vi:v,8, Eph 5:16).

--- Mark_V. on 11/2/07

Is there a difference between being born once more and being converted? Aren't they both the aforementioned thing? If I am wrong and then someone please correct me. As far equally being truly built-in again, and then admittedly, the Campaigner Paul was. He was sold out to Christ. Isn't everyone who has a personal human relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ? God Anoint!

--- Cynthia on eleven/1/07

Trey - few people have the experience I had. I was an atheist when I said the sinners prayer and a believer when I was done. I've heard of many since and then just the Damascus born-once again experience is existent. For someone like me that couldn't believe merely to be given the souvenir of faith was dramatic. yes I think Paul was born again right on that road.

--- Andrea on 11/i/07

Mima: Yes, he was born once again. Why pick on me, when others concord with me?

--- Rebecca_D on 11/one/07

Rebecca DE::Paul was "BORN FROM Higher up"on the road to Damascus Jn3:3Arequirement)"Saul saul why dost thou persecute Me"Thrown from His horse & Blinded.Till restored by God.He was chosen.

--- Emcee on 11/1/07

Paul had to have been born again before God sent him to preach his word. God may call a sinner to preach, but before they can do then, they must showtime convert over to Christ. Paul was converted and was chosen to preach the gospel.

--- Rebecca_D on 11/one/07

Salvation requires a built-in-again experience. A born-again experience requires a fully idea-out determination to have Jesus Christ, repent (plow) from your sins and take upward your cross daily.

--- Mr._Graham on 10/31/07

(Luke xvi: 28-30) For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to end it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to end.

--- Mr._Graham on x/31/07

yes paul was born again of the spirit.merely remember paul was called non past the spirit as most are,simply was straight confronted past jesus himself,and called out as his messenger to the gentiles.

--- tom2 on 10/31/07

**Paul was born again when he was baptized**

Indeed this is so.

Ananias said to him in Acts 22:16 'At present why do you delay? Become up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His proper noun.'

Ezekiel 36:25"And then I volition sprinkle clean water on you, and you lot will be clean, I volition cleanse you lot from all your filthiness and from all your idols.

--- Tina5349 on x/31/07

Mima- whosoever calls on the proper noun the Lord shall be saved.

Merely the Bible Mima, does not say this is the only style to be save. Jesus said " You must exist born with H2o and the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God". Also " If you do not forgive one another neither volition my Father in Heaven forgive yous" . Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood I will enhance up on the last twenty-four hours". then you come across Mima being saved is a on going process, did you lot tell the clerk this?

--- Ruben on 10/31/07

"Born again" is Johannine terminology, not Pauline.

--- John1944 on 10/31/07

Paul was born again when he was baptised, but he was personally chosen by Jesus to be an Campaigner on the route to Damascus and directed to where he needed to get in order to become baptised and trained for ministry building.

--- lorra8574 on 10/31/07

Skillful question. The answer, Absolutely! Paul recognized that he was dealing with someone superior to himself. Paul trembled, strong convictions of sin against Jesus Christ set home by the Blest Spirit. A good work was begun in Paul past Jesus when he was brought to Christ's feet. Paul surrendered himself to the Lord Jesus. Paul spoked to Jesus as his Lord.

--- catherine on 10/31/07

#-2-the clerk said, no I am not certain, tin can anyone be certain? I said, y'all will exist certain in a few moments. How'due south that the clerk ask? Well, it says in the Bible three dissimilar times, whosoever calls on the name the Lord shall be saved. It does not say maybe hopefully could happen. Information technology says shall be saved. My question to you is practise you want to call? Very soberly, yes I exercise.

--- Mima on 10/31/07

#-3-I then led the clerk in the following prayer, Lord Jesus thank you for coming into my life, forgive me of my sins, save my soul, and please brand your forgiveness real to my heart. AMEN. After praying with me the person told me I experience unlike. And aye, I'yard certain of sky now!!!!!! Question, did the clerk gets saved yesterday or did the clerk go converted and called yesterday?

--- Mima on 10/31/07

#-one-I believe he was built-in began and converted on the road to Damascus. And later called to preach.--- This event happened yesterday. I go into a store to buy transportation chair. Afterwards a short conversation, I asked the person in charge may I inquire you a question? Sure the clerk said," are y'all absolutely, positively, certain certain, no doubt in your mind, that you will go to heaven when you dice???

--- Mima on 10/31/07


Source: https://christianblogs.christianet.com/1193840375.htm

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